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Models List

We take unique approaches when the selection of development methodology is in question by considering aforementioned factors in evaluation of the project. No doubt, standard and popular development methods are our preferences, but required modifications are essential in each case. If we are going to list some of our development methodologies, we can enlist it in following ways:


No doubt, this one is a classic model among modern popular development methodologies because it favours the process lifecycle with linear and sequential development methods. We generally apply this methodology in the case of businesses of any scale, be it small, medium, or large, which comes with definite goals and budget. As we need to have definite goals for each development phase, we prepare project scopes with utmost care and define our understanding as well as functionality for the project or product. Our clients feel the swift flow of the development process from the concept to release and for post-production services. We accomplish each stage perfectly before jumping on to the next and leaving no scope to turn back.


We use this development methodology in the majority of cases as it offers a time-boxed approach and is suitable for modern projects. For the projects, we apply the methodology we predefine each step and most possibly divide major steps into smaller ones and bifurcate into phases with time duration to accomplish each phase. In this methodology, we target the objectives of clients and try to leverage the software or final product in the existing ecosystem on the client side. We keep coordination and communication between clients and our teams through a designated point of contact to drive the process further and achieve defined goals. Therefore, we run highly planned strategies and create a streamlined environment.


At AcmaSoft, when we approach big, expensive, and intricate project proposals, we take route of spiral model as our development methodology. Through this model, we combine designing and programming elements in all stages. Therefore, designing and prototyping processes are visible on each stages of project lifecycle and remain up to end.
Thus, we combine advantage of top-down as well as bottom-up concepts through this model or say system development method. In this method, we divide development process in four major stages like planning, risk analysis, programming, and customer evaluation.


We know iterations are good for the software development because through iterations we correct previous mistakes and bugs in repetitive manners and tests the product frequently until we reach at the desire level of quality. Therefore, our majority of mobile and web development projects involve iterative model along with other development methodologies or as an independent model in many cases.

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